Experience the enchanting world of Pokémon with Eevee Heroes, an exhilarating expansion in the Pokémon TCG universe! Delve into the diverse Eevee evolutions, each revealing its distinct prowess and abilities. Uncover Espeon, Umbreon, Sylveon, and more in this captivating set, offering a plethora of strategies and surprises. Unleash the potential of these beloved creatures in battles and witness their evolution paths in vivid detail. With stunning artwork and versatile gameplay, Eevee Heroes promises an immersive journey through the fantastic realm of Pokémon!
This is an authentic Korean Pokémon booster box from Korea.
There is no better source for your JP & KR sealed Pokemon needs
Travis Williams
Well worth the wait.
Shipping took a while but that was due to my location at the point I’m not mad at all. First box I open I pulled a moonbreon, so in my opinion it was well worth the wait. The package came well packaged and sealed. I will be ordering from here again
John Graham
Best of the best
John Graham
Sakura is the best
Jorden Biven
Came exactly when scheduled and perfectly packaged! Thank you so much will be ordering again! This card shop has become my go to for boxes!