Lockdown FAQ
This FAQ is for the "Lockdown" drops system. Please keep an eye out for updates to this page!

Q: What is this?
Lockdown is a system made to prevent scalpers from sniping products meant to be available for the Sakura's Card Shop community. It uses Discord's login system to ensure you are a member of the community and once you are verified, you will be given access to purchasing the drop!
NOTE: Logging in with Discord does NOT give any personally identifiable information to Sakura's Card Shop, PokéStop, or any associated parties.
Q: Will I have to login every time there is a drop?
Yes. Persistent account linking or pre-authorization would defeat the purpose of this system, to allow an even playing field for community members.
Q: What are the requirements to have access to restricted drops?
There is no predefined requirements. Some drops will have different requirements than others, so keep a lookout on Discord for drop specifics! And stay active too!
Issues / Errors
Q: Why am I seeing this button instead of the Discord one?
If you're seeing this button, it means that you must log in to your Shopify account before you can authenticate with Discord. To prevent delays in your purchasing experience, you should log in prior to attempting to purchasing.
Q: When trying to login, I see a page with a bunch of text, what do I do?
This text is called JSON, and is an error response from the server giving an error code and a description of what error was encountered during the authentication process. If you believe any of the errors shown to you are in error, please reach out in the Discord channel!